WordPress Vs Joomla Vs Drupal

wordpress vs joomla vs drupal

In this article, I’ll be comparing 3 of the most popular CMS platforms available on the Internet today:
WordPress vs Joomla Vs Drupal. Before that, let’s dive into the history of how Internet changes everything especially in the e-commerce landscape.

For the past 20 years, the Internet has evolved tremendously. Looking back, the internet has changed marketing, the way businesses sell, and the way people buy stuffs in a big way, and still continuing to do so today. Internet and technological advancement over the years have also contributed to the rise of many brand new internet start-ups and successful businesses online.

So what actually spurred the online marketing growth for e-businesses and online startups at such rapid pace? One of the good explanations to this question is the existence of Content Management System or CMS, that ease the business owner in website design and content management in a hassle-free manner. The simplicity & user-friendly features of CMS makes complicated web designing tasks appear very simple even to a non-technical person. With CMS, anyone can set up a website now, which has given businesses an easy way to reach their target audience and explain how their products and services can solve their problems.

Overview of WordPress, Joomla and Drupal

        1. WordPress

  • Regarded as the most popular and widely used CMS. WordPress possess 60.4% of market share and powers over 30% of websites
  • Comes with an intuitive dashboard that is simple, flexible and user-friendly to everyone regardless of their technical background.
  • Highly recommended for beginners who have zero knowledge or technical experience to use the WordPress CMS. Very simple to install. Also, WordPress Hosting is easy to understand.
  • WordPress is highly customizable with more than 4000 + themes and over 55, 000+ plugins available for this platform.
  • CNN, Forbes, Wall Street Journal etc are some of the many big & popular organizations that use WordPress CMS.


    2. Joomla

  • The 2nd most famous CMS after WordPress. It has a market share of 5.2% and powers 2.9% of the websites worldwide.
  • Joomla promotes ease-of-use, extensibility and structural stability.
  • They have an active developer community and offers flexible and powerful user interface (UI).
  • Requires minimal technical knowledge to operate but installation process is slightly trickier compared to WordPress.
  • Joomla CMS is suitable for building e-commerce online websites as well as social networking sites.
  • com, Harvard University, Cloud.com etc are some of the famous firms that use Joomla CMS.

    3. Drupal

  • Drupal is the third most preferred CMS with a market share of 3.4% and powering over 1.9% website worldwide.
  • Suitable for high-end enterprise websites due to its powerful, flexible and efficient CMS.
  • Quite popular amongst the developer community and offers back-end framework.
  • It is an enterprise level CMS that can be used for content-driven websites with huge data and clientele.
  • Warner Bros, The White House, etc are some of the firms that utilize Drupal.

To keep things simple and easy understand, let’s take a look at the infographic below which compares WordPress vs Joomla vs Drupal:

wordpress vs joomla vs drupal

Which CMS is the Right Choice for You?

Joomla? WordPress or Drupal? Well, all of them are useful for website beginners. However, there is no such thing as right and wrong CMS because it all depends on the kind of website you are running. If you are not sure which one to pick, we will give you some useful tips and explanations for each CMS below:

  1. WordPress is the best choice for you if you are a newbie and running a simple business.
  2. Consider Drupal if you’re confident your website will grow significantly or you have an established website whose requirements aren’t being fulfilled by WordPress.
  3. Consider Joomla if you’re powering a social network website or are confused about whether to migrate from WordPress to Drupal or not.

At the same time, you may have following questions in your mind. For instance:

Is migration from one CMS to another possible?

Can you build your own CMS?

Well, the good news is ‘YES, YOU CAN!’

The process is quite relatively simple. If you have the right service provider then they can help you with the migration process seamlessly.


So there you go, a comprehensive CMS comparison of WordPress vs Joomla vs Drupal to understanding CMS’s better. Hope this helps you make an informed choice depending on which CMS best suit your needs.

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