Hari Raya 2023
Hari Raya 2023

We at Serverfreak would like to wish everyone a Happy Hari Raya and seek forgiveness for any wrongdoings (Maaf Zahir Batin). May all of you celebrate this special day with your loved ones in joy and harmony. Please be cautious no matter where you are.

Our office will be closed starting from April 21, 2023 and will resume operations on April 25, 2023. However, our professional support team will always be available through live chat at

Kami di Serverfreak ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya dan Maaf Zahir Batin kepada semua. Semoga anda semua bergembira bersama yang tersayang di hari yang mulia ini. Berhati-hati walaupun di mana sahaja anda berada.

Pejabat Urusan kami bercuti bermula 21 April 2023 dan akan beroperasi semula pada 25 April 2023. Walaubagaimanapun, tim sokongan profesional kami akan sentiasa bersedia secara livechat di

#lamanweb #serverfreak #website #selamathariraya #webhosting

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