One Server, One User

A dedicated server is referred as renting a server from a hosting company with a small capital by a (one) client. This server is recommended for cooperates site, high traffic forums, online gaming (because of the large storage or size of hard disk, ram and bandwidth) and those who want to have separate mail systems, web and database servers.

Wikipedia define Dedicated Server as “A dedicated hosting service, dedicated server, or managed hosting service is a type of Internet hosting in which the client leases an entire server not shared with anyone.” Dedicated server has high total resources and performance compare to any other hosting services. This is because the client will own the entire server and it is not shared with others. One server, one user.

The privacy will be higher as the customisation is dependent on the customer needs. The client will have the complete control including the choice of data centres, operating system, hardware and configuration of the server system. Other benefits are the data stored in the dedicated server will not be affected easily as there are no other users to cause problems. Data access is faster and high traffic is easily accommodated as they will not face the risk slowed down or swamped with traffic. Besides the client, nobody else has the permission or access to the server as the result security of dedicated server is higher.

It has no restriction on the bandwidth or CPU utilization and ideal for advanced users who want maximum freedom and flexibility. Most shared servers share a single IP address and have site traffic directed by the server; in contrast dedicated server has its own unique IP address. In the dedicated server a client can host unlimited websites and send unlimited emails per hour.

Dedicated servers are usually kept inside a data centres so they may be monitored by the hosting providers. An IT literal person is required to handle the dedicated server as the client will assign IT technicians to controls and maintains the server software. Meanwhile the service provider will monitor the computer’s hardware, network connectivity and routing equipment.

Besides choosing the dedicated server, placing it in a data centre is important too. Data centre must be accommodate with the basic facilities as redundant or backup power supplies, redundant data communications connections, environmental controls (e.g., air conditioning, fire suppression) and security devices. Choosing a hosting provider equal to choosing a dedicated server and data centre.

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