How to get High Search Engine Rankings?

Are you wondering how to get high search engine rankings?  If you want to get high rankings, you need to provide two to three key phrases extracted from the content and utilize search engine optimization.

If you are hesitant to spend on getting traffic through link building and other means that requires you to spend, the last resort is to venture on getting high search engine ranking to attract visitors.

Your objective is not necessarily to get into the top spot but to attract traffic by search engine optimization.  And the secret to this is the use of the right keywords.  Even if you optimize your site but you don’t get to let many people visit your site then it is useless.

First thing, is to think of a good key phrase which most people would likely type if they search for a topic related to yours. You need to get in with little competitors as possible in order for people to get a look at your site.  It is not such a great idea to focus on optimizing while you can’t get enough traffic. It is necessary to make a research on the phrases that the majority would most likely type and what is the status of competition there are for this keyword phrase.  Your goal is to look for a high search with low competition.

You need help from a program in order to track on different key phrase that will be your guide.  Free Wordtracker is one of the services you can use.  The next thing to do is create a theme to your page based on those familiar phrases the service had tracked for you.

One more thing to consider is building a professional site as much as possible.  This can get you listed on directories like DMOZ Yahoo.  You can search on the source codes of high end websites in order to get a concrete idea on how they do it right.

Take note of title and description tags because they are the most important tags to include your key phrases in order to attract visitors.  Incorporate theses phrases with in the first couple of paragraphs of your page content.  These are also same phrases that you need to use in keywords tag. Have it separated with a comma.  Remember that during this time engines are too smart to review the page for a relevant content rather than simply believing on your keywords.

Other than these tips, you should also take note of these 3 important efforts to establish in order to get a good position on top search engines:

○    Domain name
Getting a domain name will make your site belong to the relevant ones.   Once you do not get this, search engines will not consider your site.

○     Use key phrase
This will increase your chance on getting high ranking rather than the use of key words.  This will also allow many visitors to check out your site.

○     Link Familiarity
It is best to start creating a page that feature links to related sites and as a webmaster you can ask those sites to link you.  This is very time consuming but it is worth doing in order to get a spot on top search engines.

Well, that’s all you need to know about getting high search engine ranking. Although this seems to be a difficult and time consuming task, but once you get to do the search engine optimization right, it’s worth every sacrifice and effort.

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