10 Cool Facebook Status Tips and Tricks (Part 5/5) + 1 More Tip

9. HOW TO: See Your Status Update Stats

Have you ever wondered how many times you have updated your status on Facebook? The Facebook app Status Statistics, can tell you this and more.

This app analyzes your updates and gives you the details of the average word count, the average word length, the number of statuses per day, etc.  You might not  find the information useful, but at least, it tells how or how not “lengthy” you are when updating status. What’s more is that it generates a graph that shows you what time of day or what days of the week you normally update.

Old statuses are also searchable via the app, without having to scroll back through your history.

10. HOW TO: Play a Trick On Your Friends in Your Status Update

I personally find this is the coolest trick on Facebook.

This clever link “http://facebook.com/profile.php?=73322363” looks like it could be a URL for anyone’s Facebook profile, but actually it takes anyone logged into Facebook to their own profile page.

If you try it out, be sure to remove the link preview (thumbnail) that Facebook automatically add. Have fun, and don’t be too mean…

11. HOW TO: Add Emoticon Animation in Your Status Update

Yes, you can now add a emoticon with animation in your status update!

I just discovered this application from one of our clients. Credit to her!

This application is called Facade. Simply “Go to Application” and update your status there. See the example above?

Have fun with us, have fun with Facebook!

Thanks to Amy-Mae Elliott.

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