.com/.net Domain Registration at RM30!

Have a personal blog or online store hosted under Blogspot?

[yourname].blogspot.com might not look as the website is OWNED by you!

Register your own .com or .net for your web page now with exclusive discounted price at only RM30/year (normal price is RM40/year).

What’s more is that we provide you FREE WHOIS protection (protect your domain details from being viewed by others), FREE pointing your domain to blogspot (so that when people type [yourname].com, it will link it to your blogspot), and QUICK activation of within 30 minutes (of course, after you have made the payment)!

This promotion is only opened for ServerFreak’s Twitter followers. Join us on Twitter now.

Terms & Conditions

  1. This promotion is only applicable for new registration of .com/.net domain.
  2. This promotion is only applicable for ServerFreak’s Twitter followers.
  3. This is a one-time promotion where the next domain renewal fee will be based on normal price.
  4. This promotion is only valid from 3 November 2010 to 17 November 2010.
  5. This promotion is not applicable for any payment received after the promotion period even though the order is placed before the promotion ends.
  6. This promotion is not applicable for referral commission.
  7. This promotion is not valid in conjunctions with other promotions, offers, discount and vouchers.

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Make the switch to great hosting today!

Enjoy a risk-free trial with our 30-day money-back guarantee!

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