Auspicious Day to Start Work after Chinese New Year 2011

From the previous post,  now you should know what’s your lucky colour to wear during Chinese New Year.

Next, you might want to know when is your most luckiest day to start working after CNY!

A little background on the Chinese traditions of the “Date to Start Work”. Most Chinese believe in Feng Shui, and there is a saying: “一年之计在于春, 一日之计在于晨”, which means “the key to success lies in the early preparation on the first day itself”. It is believed that to start working on the luckiest day in the year, one will be having a great and prosperous life throughout the year.

For those who would like to know what your Chinese Zodiac Sign is, you may want to check out this Chinese Zodiac Sign Calculator. Of course, for non-Chinese, you may want to try it for FUN!

We Wish You A Prosperous New Year Ahead!!!

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